by | Aug 5, 2013 | Resources

Please Be realistic.

When you walk into a “Cash For Gold” shop, that  old class ring might provide you with some extra walking-around cash, but it won’t make you rich.

Scrap dealers will only pay you for the amount of gold in your jewelry, and “very few things are made of solid gold,”

For example, a 14-karat ring is only 58% gold; the rest is just base metals.

Oh, that class ring… 99 out of 100 times I’ll bet it’s only 10K gold, or only 41.3% pure.

Before making an offer, a buyer may perform what’s known as a “karat fineness” test — which involves scratching the metal — and applying acid to the gold dust to determine the actual gold content.

Jonathan Lerner Revised

Jon Lerner

Jon Lerner, Scarsdale Coin president, is a recognized expert in the numismatist field. Jon has spent over 30 years collecting and evaluating coins. He is often sought out by fellow coin collectors for his advice and knowledge of rare coins.


These guys are tops, experts to the experts. Trust them when buying or selling!

- John Maben


Scarsdale Coin

Jon Lerner, a renowned figure in numismatics, discovered his passion for rare coins in his Scarsdale, New York upbringing. With a keen eye for quality, he founded Scarsdale Coin in 1985, quickly establishing it as a premier destination for collectors. Beyond dealing, Jon is a respected speaker and prolific writer, sharing his expertise with enthusiasts worldwide. His commitment to integrity and professionalism has earned him admiration throughout the numismatic community. Jon remains dedicated to enriching collectors' experiences and preserving the legacy of rare coins for future generations.